Saturday, December 8, 2012

Didn't They Make Spam Illegal?

In December of 2003, President Bush signed into law the "Can Spam" bill. This was to be the first national standard for bulk unsolicited commercial e-mails. Approved by the Senate 97-0, the bill prohibited senders of unsolicited commercial e-mail from using false return addresses to disguise their identity, other wise known as spoofing, Aside form unwanted spam, it also prohibited the use of misleading subject lines. This bill brought on what is know known as the 'double opt-in'. When requesting information on the Internet, or subscribing to a newsletter, you are ask to confirm your subscription. From that point on, each email you receive from them are required to include and opt-out mechanism. The legislation also prohibits senders from harvesting addresses off Web sites. Those that violate this spam law will be brought up on misdemeanor charges and subject to up to one year in jail.

So why is it still such a problem? There are always those that will find away around the system. For starters, it is difficult to track the origin of the spammer. They show up every day in your and my email box with throw away identities. It takes no time at all to create a bogus Gmail, Yahoo, or Hotmail email address... use it for a week and drop it. Move onto the next bogus address and start over.

Another reason is that the average computer user will purchase a anti spam program and think it will solve all there problems. These are the same people that purchase an anti virus program and not keep it updated. While a program such as SpamBlocker and Polesoft can detect today's spam, Humans can learn the algorithm used by these programs. A common mis belief is that anti spam programs can 'learn' and grow. These programs will provide updates and new versions, but it takes YOUR diligence to keep on top of it.

White listing and black listing can help control who you do and don't get emails from. But as an end user, you could take things one step further by reporting it. This is one of the methods that I like the best. If you receive more spam emails, create an account at There you can report obvious spam mail and they will send the report to the hosting company of the email used by the spammer. Now the hosting company's are obligated to take action by banning the account or even pressing charges.

Web Proxies Explained   Where Do Spammers Get My Email Address?   Using "Soliciting a Minor" Charges to Put Away Spammers For Life   Eliminate Spam   

Getting Familiar With Feng Shui and Colored Salt Lamps

Feng shui is the practice of incorporating colors into your home as well as aligning your furniture in the right way so as to ensure the constant flow of positive energy. One of the things that can contribute to the overall wellness of your living space is through the use of colored salt lamps. There are five elements that guide feng shui including wood, fire, water, earth, and metal. Each of these elements has their corresponding color and each color has its own way of contributing to positive energy in the home. Depending on the room that you are trying to feng shui, the energy you are trying to release as well as the items that are in the room, you could improve your health, the happiness in your home, and have overall serenity.

Colored salt lamps are used in this process to purify your home. They do this by purifying your body, purifying the space you live in as well as purifying the objects that are in the room. The salt in the lamps will draw out any negative energy that is in the place and thus allow the people as well as objects receive positive energy. As such, you will find that colored salt lamps will come in a wide variety depending on what you would like to use them for. Here is a guide to the different colors and how the colored salt lamps can be beneficial to you whether at home or in the workplace.

1. Orange: This color is associated with feelings of being secure. It is also known to be of assistance in keeping our nervous systems in check and keeping the mind calm. Orange colored salt lamps are also great for ensuring the health of your kidneys as well as your bladder.

2. Yellow: This color is associated with the intellect. Having these lamps in this color will promote your intellectual understanding they have also been known to activate some organs in your body such as the pancreas, the gall bladder, and even the liver.

3. Red: This color is associated with the heart. The red colored salt lamps are great for people who have been experiencing heart problems or are prone to heart problems, as they will strengthen this organ.

4. Pink: This color is associated with relationships. If you live with a spouse or a partner, having pink colored salt lamps could greatly improve your relations with one another as it promotes companionship as well as love in the home.

5. White: This color is associated with cleanliness. It is best for people who would like to detoxify their homes as well as bodies. The white lamps will cleanse your mind and your body and also release negative energy from the home.

6. Brown: This color is associated with balance. It is great for people who would like to feel stable.

7. Purple: This is considered one of the strongest of the colors. It is associated with the spirit and thus is great to enhance your spirituality and make you feel at peace.

The Role of Mirrors In Feng Shui   10 Steps to Bring Feng Shui to Your Living Room   Feng Shui and Intelligence   How To Tell If A Fountain Is Right For Your Feng Shui   How to Feng Shui a Warehouse   Feng Shui: Water-Snake Year 2013-14 Correspondences   

What is Banner-Advertising?

Banner advertising is one of the oldest forms of advertising on the Internet. The banner ad is made up of an image file that links to a website. When these ads were first used, the number of impressions or the length of time that the ad was displayed on a page often set the prices. However, it has become much more common for these ads to be a form of pay per click advertising. That means that the advertiser only pays if someone actually clicks on the ad.

You'll notice banners on many of the websites you visit online. They are often located at the top of a page or at the top of an article. You will also notice tall, skinny banner ads in the left or right column of a website. Although these are often referred to as skyscrapers, they are still a type of banner ad. The term banner advertising now encompasses any image ad that links to another web page, even though the shape most people think of when they hear the word 'banner' is a short, wide rectangle.

Regardless of the shape, there is a reason you see banners all over the Internet. It's because they work. Although not that many people who see an ad click on it, those who do are generally interested in what the advertiser has to offer and are more likely than the average Internet user to purchase the product or service being advertised.

Because these ads are usually pay per click, advertisers can run tests to find out the average number of clicks it takes to make a sale and set the amount they are willing to pay for each click accordingly. In this way, the advertiser makes money. In addition, the site owner and advertising network both profit from the advertising revenue generated by banner advertising.

Banner Advertising Secrets You Can Use to Get More Traffic - How to Find the Most Profitable Sites   How Can Quick Cash Concept Assist With Remarketing?   Getting Banner Traffic in Niche Markets - Why You Should Always Avoid These Types of Sites   Using Banner Advertising to Get Traffic in a New Market - What to Do If You Can't Get Visitors   Getting Banner Advertising Traffic in Niche Markets - How to Get Sites to Run Your Ads For Free   

Getting Traffic To Your Ebook Sales Page

Creating the website sales copy for your eBook can be challenging. A great deal of copywriting knowledge must be put into place if you want to succeed as a business owner online. If you're just selling a $19 ebook, then maybe the sales copy of the products that you're promoting doesn't have to be world class. But if you're selling a product for $500... the sales copy has to be on point.

It would incredibly expense to hire a good copywriter. You could easily spend at least $5,000 on a copywriter if you don't know what to do. If you don't have the money for a copywriter, you may just have to take a different route in your internet marketing business. You can either get the resell rights to a product that you're selling, or simply enter into the world of affiliate marketing.

In both scenarios, the product and the sales letter is done for you. All you need to do is market it. And this is actually the easy part. You want to find a handful of marketing strategies that you can do on a daily basis, and start focusing your energies on these techniques alone.

Anything that is a distraction or that causes you to deviate from your marketing plan, you need to stop it and end it, and start focusing more on how you are going to get people to visit your website so that they can buy your ebook. So how do you get people to your website and reading the sales copy for your book? Here's one way to do it:

1) SEO

SEO stands for "search engine optimization". It's the process of choosing keywords related to your website, and structuring it in a way that gets you ranked high in the search engines. Now you can't just rank for any old keyword. If you get a number 1 ranking in Google but it's for a keyword that only 20 people a month are searching for... your efforts are futile.

You should be striving for keywords that get at least 50 searches a day. That's 1,500 searches a month - and that's just 1 keyword. Imagine if you had 1000 keywords that you could rank high for. SEO is something that isn't going anywhere no time soon, so take your time, and make sure you follow the rules of search engine marketing effectively. Here's another way to get traffic to your eBook sales page:

2) PPC

I know I'm killing you with all the abbreviations here but "PPC" simply stands for "pay per click" marketing. The biggest player in the PPC world is Google AdWords. For a small fee, you can promote your business for a low click price, and possibly make money when someone clicks on your ad.

There's more to the Google AdWords game and there are a ton of books written on the subject. You should make it a point to learn as much as you can about AdWords, and how it can help to make your business more profitable today.

With these 2 traffic tips, getting traffic to your eBook sales page is easy. Simply implement the strategies, and watch the income rise on the monthly basis.

Good luck with using these tips to boost your business profits today.

Traffic Tips For Self Publishing A Book (or Any Other Product)   Self Publishing for Book Publishers With Print-On-Demand   2 Ways To Monetize Your Ebook   Have You Thought Of Creating Your Own Information Products?   A History of E-Books   

Information Marketing

It's now official what a lot of people in Information Marketing have been suspecting this year: the explosion in the sales of eBooks. In fact, they are 3 times higher in the first 6 months of 2012 compared with the same period in 2011. The figures released from Publishers Association puts the figures at £64 million (104 million USD) compared with £24 million (37 million USD). This is an impressive statistic, you might agree with me.

So what is information marketing? In basic terms it is the packaging of knowledge or some creative work such as a story in a digital format: could be a book in a Portable Document Format (PDF) known as an eBook or some other work in a CD or DVD layout. This is the information side of the equation. The marketing side of the equation also falls on the authors lap: this may be a boon or bane for the originator. Information marketing is also known as self-publishing.

There is bit of a revolution happening in publishing at the moment. This self-publishing movement gives the author complete control of how, where and what price to sell his or her work: the greater the marketing effort, the greater the potential financial rewards.

I keep on coming back to the same point: in the current internet revolution which is growing rapidly but still has a long way to go, we all have the potential to sell something, since in this vast global market place you will find a willing buyer. In other words, the world is turning into a huge Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) place where anyone with access to an online computer can be a seller and at the same time a buyer too.

The internet is a great leveller: the purveyer and the consumers of information are engaging in a great exercise in democracy. It is now encouraged and easy to share your experiences and knowledge on the internet; equally, the consumers have the power to either love it or shun it. But the important thing is to get your information out there to as many people as possible. In other words, market your work well.

Producing and marketing digital products can be potentially a very lucrative proposition which has been proven with many successful marketers. So, the fact I am writing about information marketing in this article is to suggest that it can be an excellent source of online income.

There are in my opinion, mainly two types of people who delve in information marketing: so for those people involved with producing ebooks, they are either interested in telling a story well and those who are brilliant marketers. The latter have seen a great need to get out there and distribute the information in digital format and are reaping abundant rewards. A few are good at both, and they tend to end up there at the top of the MLM pile.

Why is there such a great thirst for information in a digital format? In my opinion because of three simple reasons which I will call the three Cs: Convenience, Cost and Completeness. Convenience because digital products are really easy to obtain by download; they are substantially cheaper because they do not normally involve any shipping; and completeness because the information has been put together to solve a particular problem. The third point is also important for this reason: due to the limitations in current search technology, it is not normal to find a solution to a problem you have by looking at a single search result; or perhaps even two or more. It is however, very likely that you will find the solution in an eBook that has been written on that topic. Furthermore, the author has also written about his or her real life experience with the problem you may be having and how it was overcome.

Furthermore, a digital product is never complete: it evolves with the feedback from consumers and developments, just like a piece of software requires regular updates.

Supplemental evidence of the popularity of eBooks is in the eBook reader sales: for instance very recently, Kindle, the ubiquitous eReader from Amazon got sold out-millions of them!

What to write about, how to go about writing it and most importantly how to sell your products, is what you should start thinking about if you wish to succeed in this lucrative market.

Traffic Tips For Self Publishing A Book (or Any Other Product)   Self Publishing for Book Publishers With Print-On-Demand   2 Ways To Monetize Your Ebook   Have You Thought Of Creating Your Own Information Products?   

How to Create Free EBooks Within a Few Steps

EBooks are considered to be the most popular digital products all over the world. Whether you are trying to portray your caliber as a writer or want to take your business to your target audience, writing free eBooks and publishing them can prove to be a step in the right direction. Writing an eBook may seem to be a daunting task at the onset, but when you approach it methodically, you will realize that it takes just a few steps to come up with a stunning digital product that can "wow" your target audience.

The first step towards creating this digital product is to establish clarity. You need to have a clear understanding of your objective and your target audience. Are you writing the eBook to prove your skills as a writer? Do you want to inspire and motivate people to take specific action after reading your ebook? Or, do you want this digital product to advertise your business for you? Having clarity on these aspects will lay foundation for a successful end product. After you have found the right answers, it is time to come up with a creative and unique title to garner the attention of your readers. The title needs to convey the aim of your eBook and also portray your wit. For example "Stop being a couch potato: Stay fit with 10 quick workouts" can be a good title for a book that talks about exercise and fitness.

Once you have the title ready, the next step is to focus on the content. Though you intend to create a free digital product, it will not have the required impact if the content is not interesting. The information you impart should entertain the target audience and keep them engrossed till the last word. Also, it is imperative to come up with unique content and not just rewrites of existing eBooks. You need to devote a significant amount of time for writing relevant information that conveys your ideas to the readers. Though some publishers may prefer to outsource the task of writing content to third party vendors, it is not recommended if you are writing a free ebook. Do not use jargons that a regular reader may not be able to understand. Keep the language simple if you want to create a user-friendly digital product. Make sure you proofread and also use the spell-check feature to ensure a perfectly finished product.

Finally, though the digital product you have created may not have any cost associated to it, readers will not consider reading it until the cover design of the eBook is intriguing. People establish impressions about a person or company based on what they see first. Therefore, the outer cover of the eBook should be intriguing and evoke curiosity. If you are not the "creative" type and cannot come up with good designs, don't think twice about engaging the services of a good designer who can come up with something interesting.

Traffic Tips For Self Publishing A Book (or Any Other Product)   Self Publishing for Book Publishers With Print-On-Demand   2 Ways To Monetize Your Ebook   Have You Thought Of Creating Your Own Information Products?   

The Dire Need For A Second Income While In Graduate School and How You Can Actually Earn It Online

The Problem I text my friend and ask him if he'd like to go out for a drink and then maybe a movie. I get a response back saying, "Sorry man but I'm broke." This response has occurred not only once but on multiple occasions to the point where I stopped asking altogether. I haven't been to the movies with my grad student friends in over a year.

My family calls and says, "When are you coming home?" My response is usually, "I'm sorry but I don't have the money to pay for gas to come home." They say, "Well don't worry we'll put money in your account." The bottom line is: I'm sick of asking my parents for money to help get me through graduate school.

I get a call from my friend who lives in another state, "When are you going to take a vacation and come visit me?" My response: "I'm sorry but I don't really get a spring break. And even if I did I couldn't afford it." "Oh" she says. "I'm going to tour Europe for two weeks. Have fun. Oh and when do you graduate?"

I haven't bought a single item of clothing in over 6 months. I haven't been on a real vacation in over 4 years. I rarely ever go out for dinner. I was ready to stop my internet and cable bill for 3 months just so I could catch up. Air conditioning in the summer? Forget it. If my car breaks down, I have to put the repair bill on my credit card. My student loan company keeps mailing me statement letters with "optional" interest payments. Seems like a joke with what little money I have. I try to apply for a better interest rate on a credit card and the company asks me if I have a Savings Account. I laugh. "Sure I do." In the back of my mind I know it only shows 3 numbers: 0.00. After running into old friends several years later, they look at me and say, "Wow you shrunk!" I usually look down and say, "Yeah I haven't been eating as much as I should." I found out if I made 200 dollars less a month each month that I would qualify for food stamps!

So you feel powerless. You feel like you're stuck. You know you are going to be in your graduate program for the long haul. Maybe you get out in 5 years. Maybe it takes you 7 years. Either way time is going to go by. And a key concern is that maybe the financial stress prolongs your graduation time! Maybe you would be more motivated if it wasn't so hard along the way. Maybe things would just be a whole lot easier than what they are now.. You are going to make the same amount of money during your entire time in graduate school. If you live off a stipend, it maybe only goes up 500 dollars every year if you're lucky. If you are living off student loans, that number that you borrow each year will only rise because of tuition inflation and higher cost of living. That is unless you make a change. Now.

Then it hit me. It doesn't have to be this way. Even if I had an extra 100 dollars a month that would go a LONG way. Why is that so much to ask for? That 100 may just get me an extra meal, allow me to enjoy more time with my friends, or even help me pay off my debts (particularly student loans and credit cards). And it would allow me to not have to ask my parents for money each month or even have the thought of working a second job on the weekends.

The Solution As broke as graduate or professional students are, why aren't there any options? How come if this is such a huge problem that there isn't more useful and legit information on how to overcome it? Is a second job really the only solution? Or is there a better alternative?

From a fellow grad student to another, I only hope that I can help to ensure your success and get you through graduate school by providing the best advice. I am in my 5th year in a Cellular and Molecular Pathology PhD program. Without support from my parents (at first) and a second or passive income I have no doubt in my mind that I would not have made it this far. I know there are thousands of graduate students that suffer each year. In the United States alone in 2008, 488,000 Master's degrees and 56,000 doctorates were awarded. What this tells me is that thousands of Americans are enrolled in graduate school each year. And I know during that time they struggle. They accrue student loan debt and interest. They have high hopes of landing a better job. Maybe they are in for a bitter disappointment (see education inflation-Master's degrees are becoming the standard).

The bottom line is that most people figure they will just get a good job after going to graduate school and this will allow them to dedicate their time 100% to their day job and not have to worry about a second or residual income. I cannot stress enough: It never hurts to have a second or recurring income no matter what situation you are in. If you are a working professional or are in graduate school, it still applies. However, I would argue that graduate students have more of a dire need. The problem with grad students is that they don't seek out answers. They just "tough it out." They don't want to put in the extra time or effort into anything but their graduate studies. If you remain complacent, you will live complacent. It doesn't have to be that way. There is a solution that I'd like to share.

What if I told you part of the solution lies in using social media (Facebook), blogging, sending out emails, or simply surfing the web? You're busy with school. Time and money are scarce. You need a quick and reliable method that could potentially yield the best results within a reasonable amount of time. So let's dig a little deeper if this still seems vague.

A Powerful Option Is to Sell an Informational Product Online That Relates To Your Particular Situation and Helps Others Overcome A Problem In my opinion, this is the best "bang for the buck." It's a slow crawl at first and takes a lot of patience and persistence. It takes hard work. But with anything, hard work is a given.

I have yet to read one or find a method that is geared towards specifically towards graduate, professional, or college students. How does one create a product to help another OVERCOME A PROBLEM? And keep the originality? And not produce some cookie cutter website or product? The answer is you create your own informational product. The easiest one is an E-book. And you don't have to be a writer for this to work. You can pay someone on Textbroker to write it for you (this is optional). Then you can add to it, change it, or make it your own. You own the rights to the article. However, if it's your problem and you are passionate enough about the topic, you should be able to write about it and create an informational product mostly on your own. But you have the option of using Textbroker. Why have this option?

You're busy with school. Time and money are scarce. So you can outsource your article. You can invest your money in someone else. Or if you have the time as stated previously, write the article yourself. Then it comes down to online Marketing Principles. It's a no-brainer. The hard part is getting the Traffic to your sales page/product and promoting your product. Once you get past this, there is a potential for profits. There really is no secret to it. It takes time and hard work as with anything.

Why is this original? Because you pick the product or idea. You pick the problem that you want others to overcome that is UNIQUE to your situation. Graduate or professional students are constantly faced with problems that they must overcome. Find something you are passionate about. Maybe you'll title it, "How I Found Ways in Grad School to Make Money on the Side." Or "How A Science Blog Saved My PhD." Or "Using A Science/College/Graduate School Blog for Online Advertisement/Promotion." Or "How I Effectively Wrote My Thesis in 4 weeks." Or "How to Effectively Network While in Grad School to Land Your Dream Job." Lastly, "Top 10 Things I Learned in Grad School: For The New and Prospective Students."

You need to tell people your story. And yes if it is informative people might just pay you for it. Share your hardships. Your targeted audience will relate and listen. And you can help others learn from your experience. Maybe it's something you struggled with and now you look back at all you have learned and you can't wait to share that information. But not only are you creating a product to potentially earn income, you are telling your story and helping others along the way. From this, they can learn from your struggles or hardships. It's a win-win.

Social Media And Blogging Advantage So let's go another step further here and put another spin on it. Maybe you want an online or social media angle. The first thing you can do to build your credibility with your audience is to start a blog. A blog is a great way to vent some steam, show off your personality, and help others learn about your situation. A blog also has a great potential for earning a second or passive income. Your blog itself can even become a product. Yes, you can compile and potentially sell your entire blog as an E-book. Then all you have to do is utilize online marketing principles.

Either way, you cannot go wrong with a blog. It is full of creative writing and original content, and gives you the freedom to promote your product and help others overcome your problem. The other advantage to a blog is once you build an audience and your credibility (maybe it starts with your friends first), they are more likely to buy. What this means is if they bought your first product and they found it useful and informative, they are more likely to buy a second product as well. The hard part is the starting point. But if your idea or blog is good enough, you will hit the ground running.

You may even find by accident what your idea or problem is later on down the road based on your feedback from your audience. If they like the idea of say for example, "How I Effectively Wrote My Thesis in 4 weeks," then write about it! I've also seen a lot of PhD's who are out of work. Or they are misinformed about having to do a post-doc and not knowing their career options outside of academia. Or maybe you know the best way to help someone land an internship. Or network. Or effectively write a scientific journal/manuscript. Or maintain a healthy lifestyle/balance or deal with depression/anxiety. Or be successful in graduate school (maybe geared towards students at the beginning of a program or at the end when it becomes tough to finish).

If there weren't hardships then the drop-out rate (for PhD programs) wouldn't be nearly 50%! So how did the other 50% make it through? How did they effectively overcome the problem? That answer and idea is ultimately up to you. The possibilities are endless, and with a blog it gives you the ability to sample all flavors, write about all the topics, and get a feel for what people would like to read about.

Social media has also opened a whole new world which will support your Blog, Website, or Informational Product. You want to use LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook to get your story across? It will only amplify your audience. For example, Facebook has Fan Pages that you can create. This gives you the option to Interlink your blog with your Facebook Fan Page and your website/sales page. You can build an audience on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Show them your live RSS Feed from your blog. Your blog posts will be visible to audiences across the board. What happens is over time your friends will tell their friends and it spreads like wildfire.

Keep in mind that you must have useful and interesting information. This will all come from your blog and is probably the best starting point. Either way, you add information and learn as you go. Once you have a product to sell you throw this in the mix, and tell others via your blog and social media sites. The market is endless because if you come out with a second product all you have to do is repeat the process. The advantage is that the second time around it should be easier to sell because you already have an established audience, reputation, and credibility that you built over time.

If you use Social Media or a Blog and play it to your strengths, you may just see additional profits. In the end, you'll never know unless you try. We are all full of information and problems that we have overcome or are currently faced with, and just need to know how to effectively portray and market it to others.

The idea is ultimately up to you The only thing right now holding you back is yourself. If you want to go and work the traditional 'second' job to earn income, then that is up to you. However, you need to be aware of easier and more feasible options while you are enrolled in graduate or professional school. Dig deeper and you will not be disappointed. Only you can guarantee your success. So take charge now and never look back.

Traffic Tips For Self Publishing A Book (or Any Other Product)   Self Publishing for Book Publishers With Print-On-Demand   2 Ways To Monetize Your Ebook   Have You Thought Of Creating Your Own Information Products?   

Outside Rooms That Can Serve Several Functions

The summerhouse continues to provide an excellent way of increasing space within the confines of the residences garden that can be invaluable to the user and well within the budget range of the household's income. Somehow this type of building has become more and more popular over the years and it seems that in many cases the remit for the building has developed far beyond the typical summer leisure activities that they originally were made to supply. Space within any growing household is always tight and the idea that there is a great leisure space in the garden is always helpful but these days that space can be expended to a study or a workroom as well as an extra bedroom on those occasions when extra people such as the children's friends appear on a return trip from college.

The manufacturers have taken this into account and have built some excellent new models and the size range has increased over the years and sizes up to 20 feet by 10 feet are quite common. With sizes of this magnitude it is possible to subdivide the unit into two rooms. This can be two for leisure or one as a workroom or storage facility and one for pleasure. It is possible that part of it may be used for storage areas provided the storage materials are safe and non-hazardous. Consider the Middlesex range of summerhouses and the potential can be seen immediately. This best-selling range has a double frontage with a high pitched roof that fits very well into a garden scenario particularly with a cedar tile roof but the range will earn its place in the market if part of it can be used for multiple functions which are particularly cost effective if it gives two rooms instead of one. This particular building can virtually be used as a small house such is its size and versatility and it can even be added onto to provide the ultimate in extra buildings.

The idea of extending buildings can impact on local planning committees and they can stop the progression if they consider it too big but otherwise the planners can be helpful and will be pleased to help the applicant in any sensible building extension if there are any planning doubts. The two big items are the size of the garden, which must be big enough so that the building does not swamp the garden and the second is that the extension should not exceed the total area, which would normally be considered as too great and out of keeping with the house.

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